Philadelphia Diggers
Joe Butewicz 1998
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Joe Butewicz 1998 
Already a 25 year veteran bottle digger, this day I'm found digging a line of privies on Sharswood Street, starting at the corner of Ridge Avenue and working West toward 21st Street. We dug at least a dozen privies on that run, same pattern right up the center of the block, the round brick cylinders, in the center of the yards were all 12-14 feet deep and full of railroad ash, but the square privies that were about 9 feet deep, in the corners of the yards and along the property lines contained numerous pontil sodas including some very early P. Hall porter bottles, many broken and some whole Townsend's Sarsaparillas and pontil Udolphowolfe's Schiedam Schnapp's. The best crier was a broken yellow green concentric ring eagle New England Glass Works flask that was donated to the East Brunswick Museum where it remains on display. Photo courtesy of Dave Leitinger.
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