Jerry Pevahouse has been collecting bottles for longer than I have. He's lived in Cranbury, NJ for as long as I've known him. Jerry was nice enough to send me enough photos, in March of 2021, of him, his brother Ron and their friends in Tennessee and New Jersey, to create this photo album.
Civil War photo of 2nd Regiment of The Tennessee Mounted Infantry
A Union regiment organized from locals at Clifton, TN. Two of my direct relatives are somewhere in that poorly dressed and armed shabby mob. Neither survived the war. Elihu Pevahouse was killed during a skirmish with General Forrest Cavalry near Beardstown, Perry County, TN 1862, John Throckmorton was captured but died after release in 1865 when the steamship Sultana's boiler exploded on the Mississippi River north of Memphis killing 1,200 Union soldiers returning north. They spent much of the war stealing, terrorizing and extorting from local residents, including some of mine.
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