Digging with Joe Butewicz
Digging with Joe Butewicz
Lets go digging for old bottles. I've had fun doing it since 1972!
New Brunswick, NJ c 1985
New Brunswick, NJ c 1985 
SW Bell Sodas dated 1861 from the construction site on the corner of Easton Avenue and Somerset Street, the site of Greasy Tony's! This large site that was one of the best digging opportunities ever encountered. It contained many privy and trash pits that contained lots of bottles. This site made up for all the places wher e the privies were empty. I had permission to search there at lunchtime and after work. I dug countless exposed privies there. Several a day after work for about 5 weeks. Joe Guth and Chris Myer were also digging there and one day all three of us dug a privy containing blue pontil sodas, a green Wm. Eagle Crystal Palace soda and an open pontil McDonald's Annihilator.

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